First of all, hello everyone and merry christmas!
I could write an entire essay on why I've been absent for so long, but I'd rather be as brief as possible. 'Cuz in the end, that's not what anyone is here for.
The TL;DR version is: Work kept kicking my ass and I stupidly took on too many commissions that I could handle, making my hobby (this blog) sort of a second job, resulting in a total burnout. And at the end my pc kinda died.
The longer version: My actual job makes me miserable and it recently has become very draining to me, to the point where I would come home, eat, turn on the PC, open up a project, stare at it blankely for 30 minutes and fall asleep. Rince and repeat.
I didn't even realise time was flying by so fast because of how uneventful my days have been, I even started forgetting about my blog as a whole.
And to make matters worse, my graphics card and part of my motherboard fried so at that point I didn't even bother logging into discord or twitter anymore. But all of that has been fixed now, thankfully!
Now that I finally have some vacation, I can take the time to sort my shit out. And I will be using my time wisely this time around, first of which will be used to finish up the last pending commissions I still have laying around (Seriously, thank you all for your patience).
And yes, I actually haven't been entirely idle and there WILL be new stuff coming relatively soon.
As for future commissions; I will eloborate on that further another time, because I feel like that deserves a seperate post.
Thank you all for understanding!